Jamia Uloom-e-Islamia (Arabic: جامعۃ العلوم الاسلامیہ، بنوری تاون، کراتشی) or Islamic University Karachi is an Islamic School situated in Binori Town, Karachi, Pakistan. The school continues the tradition of the Darul Uloom system initiated by Darul Uloom Deoband. As of 2007[update], there are about twelve thousand students in different departments of the Jamiah and its branches, including a number of foreign students from over sixty countries all over the world
The Jamiah was founded by Muhadith Ul Asar Allama Sayyid Muhammad Yousuf Jan Banuri or Allama Sayyid Yousuf Jan Banoori[citation needed] (1908–1977); he was born in Basti Mahabatabad near Peshawar, son of Maulana Syed Muhammad Zakariya, who was in turn the son of a khalifa of Mujaddid Alf e Sani. He was educated in Peshawar and Kabul before being sent to Darul Uloom Deoband, where he was the pupil of Shabbir Ahmad Usmani. He founded the Jamiah Arabiya Islamiya (now Jamia Uloom-e Islamia) in Karachi in 1953.
Mission and Objectives
- To prepare such Ulama and preachers of Islam who are, on one hand, highly qualified in their fields of education and on the other hand, are equipped with the qualities of piety, sincerity and dedication. It should be their sole purpose to safeguard the fundamental tenets of religion, to propagate it and to lead people to the straight path.
- To establish contacts with other religious universities, madrasahs and educational centres and to co-operate with them in the field of knowledge, experience and teaching.
- To publish literature against false and heretic ideologies for the rectification and guidance of the Muslim Ummah.
Departments and Divisions
- Tajweed (Quranic Phonetics)
- Dars-e-Nizaami (Aalamiyya, equivalent to Masters)
- Daar ul–Iftaa (Department of Fatwa)
- Department of Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence)
- Daar-ut-Tasneef Department
- Madrasa-tul-Banat (Female Section)
- Majlis–e-Da'wat–o-Tahqeeq-e-Islaami
The Academic Council
The Jamiah has an Academic Committee composed of experienced teachers of the Jamiah. It reviews the syllabus, introduces useful changes and supervises the examinations and other educational affairs.
Scholarly Research Works
Banori not only devoted himself to the exemplary teaching and training of the students but also preoccupied himself with scholarly research works on different subjects, particularly Hadith and jurisprudence and, at the same time, commissioned other scholars to do it. He also wrote many articles and edited periodicals, and encouraged other scholars to do so. This practice is still being observed today.
Among the books, periodicals and articles published by the Jamiah are:
- Banori's Ma′aarif-us-Sunan ("Acquirements In Understanding The Prophetic Traditions"), is an Arabic commentary on Jami-ut-Tirmizi.
- A prominent student of Banori and a former associate of Daar-ut-Tasneef and a teacher of the Jamiah, Maulana Muhammad Ameen Awrakzai was commissioned by the late Maulana to work on Sharh-ul-Ma′anil-Aathaar lil-Imam-At-Tahaawi ("Explanation of the Meanings of the Traditions" by Imaam Tahaawi) under his guidance. He had done research work on a great part of this book extracting ahaadeeth from the sources, explaining Imaam Tahaawi’s Nazar ("Analytical Scrutiny") and rendering accessible its difficult portions. The author has published the results under the title Nathr-ul-Azhaar Sharh Ma′aan-il–Aathaar ("Scattering Flowers: A Commentary On ‘Sharh Ma’aan-il-aathaar’"). This work was also initiated under this department..[2]